In the expansive realm of Throne & Liberty, a virtual world where kingdoms rise and fall, battles are fought, and alliances are forged, mastering the intricacies of gear progression is crucial for any player aiming to ascend the ranks of power. Contracts, a unique feature in the game, play a pivotal role in maximizing your gear progression. In this beginner's guide, we will delve into the mechanics of Throne & Liberty's contract system Throne and Liberty Lucent , providing valuable insights on how to efficiently min/max your gear progression.
Understanding Contracts:
Contracts in Throne & Liberty are essentially agreements between players and various factions within the game. These agreements allow players to obtain rare resources, powerful gear, and unique items that can significantly enhance their characters. There are different types of contracts, each catering to specific aspects of gear progression.
Resource Contracts:
These contracts focus on acquiring essential in-game resources such as gold, gems, and crafting materials.
Prioritize resource contracts to buy TL Lucent ensure a steady influx of materials for crafting and upgrading your gear.
Gear Contracts:
Gear contracts offer a chance to obtain powerful weapons, armor, and accessories.
Players should strategically choose gear contracts based on their character class and playstyle to maximize effectiveness in battles.
Enhancement Contracts:
Enhancement contracts provide materials for improving and enchanting existing gear.
Use these contracts wisely to enhance key pieces of equipment, boosting your overall combat capabilities.