Today, you can hardly find parents of crumbs who do not know anything about fine motor skills and do not care about their development. Numerous exciting educational activities, games are organized by adults at home and in children's clubs. Motor training is very important for the physical and mental development of children. We will tell you about when to give your baby to group classes, how to do it at home, in the article.

During this period, the guys already know how to fold the pyramid without observing the size of the rings. Sorters with holes and shapes of various shapes, business boards with locks are perfect as educational toys. Dad, grandfather, uncle, godfather can handle making a business board.

Large motor skills are perfectly developed by wheelchairs, small - books, devices with Velcro, laces, pockets.

1-2 years

Active one-year-old babies and crumbs a little older require increased attention from adults. At this time, the children are rapidly developing fine motor skills, as well as large ones. Teach your child:

  • to ride a bike;
  • climb the Swedish wall;
  • to swim;
  • dance.

Turning through books with bright pictures, sorting beads and beans has a beneficial effect on motor skills and intellectual development. Children are very interested in playing with bright bowls of different sizes, pyramids, finger theater with a dramatization of plots of their favorite fairy tales and stories.

2-3 years

From the age of 2, children can already be taken to early childhood development centers for individual and group lessons. The Vikiland Family Club invites 2-year-olds to a fine motor development workshop. There are also groups for older kids.

All these trainings are important and you have to take it seriously as a child does not know how old am i today so you have to be serious about all games. 

In order for a daughter or son to be sufficiently developed mentally and physically by the age of three, it is necessary to allocate time for home workouts. Finger games are interesting for children of any age. With growing up, it is advisable to include family leisure training:

  • drawing;
  • modeling from plasticine, salt dough;
  • cutting out figures from paper;
  • lacing shoes;
  • stringing beads.

Crumbs over 2 years old are interested in classes related to sorting different types of cereals, legumes, colored pebbles "Marbles". Together with mom, dad, other relatives of the nanny, you can make an applique from cereals, spices with coloring. Picture templates are available online. Also, children of this age like colorful books with valves, all kinds of cognitive elements.

3-4 years

If the baby is attending kindergarten, most likely developmental activities in groups, games for the development of fine motor skills are conducted by the teacher. As a rule, 3-4-year-old boys and girls are able to:

  • tie a knot on a rope;
  • to fasten zippers, buttons, buttons;
  • show the named number of fingers upon request;
  • connect two points with a straight line;
  • carefully use coloring pages, outline the contours, color drawings without leaving the field.

Modeling at this age, finger games are one of my favorite activities. In the interval between three and four years, children are actively developing speech skills. They already know how to coherently convey information about animals, birds, plants, give a clear description of a picture, a toy.

4-5 years

Preschool children with pleasure:

  • make beads from pasta, beads;
  • participate in the manufacture of homemade lacing;
  • help parents to do simple cooking tasks (they can cut a banana, peel an egg, mix the ingredients of a dish with a whisk).

Games with tweezers, in which you need to grab and move a small detail, making clothes, making hairstyles for paper dolls, folding puzzles and mosaic drawings, working with a designer with small details like "Lego", are good for the development of fine motor skills of a kid.

5-7 years

The skills of older preschoolers and first graders require perseverance and developed coordination of movements. Activities for the development of fine motor skills in older children include:

  • laying out lines of beans, peas, shells, buttons on paper;
  • twisting hanging satin ribbons;
  • making openwork patterns on fabric by piercing the material with a toothpick.

Children at the indicated age are able to learn to play musical instruments, easily trace drawings along the contours, draw complex patterns, figures by cells by cells, cope with writing graphic dictations.

A game with folding matches into boxes through a small hole, laying out drawings from paper clips, weaving bracelets, and other jewelry made of colored rubber bands perfectly trains motor skills.

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