01 IRONSWORD - forging the sword (portugal)
02 COSMIC WHEELS - untitled 1(missouri)
03 DEATH KARMA - madagascar, famadihana (CZ)
04 MANILLA ROAD - kings of invention (Kansas)
05 NACHASH - crimson monarch (Oslo + Tiller)
06 DEHUMAN - obediance to pestilence (Belgium)
07 NEKROMANTEION - oath of black fire (Bolivia)
08 VALKYRIE - temple (Virginia, Usa)
09 TEMPEL - descending into the labyrinth (Arizona)
10 DEMON HEAD - book of changes (Denmark)
11 ENCYRCLE - to the end (under the sign of denMARK)
12 VORUM - current mouth (Åland, Mariehamn)