Knowing the origin of farts can help explain why they smell. According to Dr. Lee, one of two ways can cause intestinal gas to occur.

digestion of food. Everything you eat ends up in your stomach, where it is digested and broken down. As a result of this process, gases like methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen are produced.

taking in air. Every day, the typical individual swallows around 2 quarts of air while they chew, talk, snore, and drink. The majority of that is expelled in burps. However, some of it passes through your intestine before emerging from your lower orifice. Now read this article to know  why do my farts smell so bad .


Why are certain farts started smelling so bad?


Let's begin with the main cause of foul farts: It's connected to something you ate.


A nourishing diet rich in fiber-rich foods can result in good gases that occur during your digestive process. Sometimes, digestion produces hydrogen sulphide, which gives every air biscuit you make a rotten-egg smell.


What goes in comes out, as they say, says Dr. Lee. That's a useful way to consider the causes why do my farts smell so bad.

foods that make you fart rotten


Even hours after your meal, some nutritious menu items could reappear in an unpleasant vapour form. The list consists of:




There is a reason why beans get the moniker "the singing fruit." Many beans are packed with difficult-to-digest sugars and carbs. This fiber-rich diet can cause fermentation and gas accumulation in your gut as a result of digestion. Often, the end effect is loud and unpleasant.


Cruciferous plants


Let's face it, broiling broccoli on the stovetop releases a disagreeable odour due to the food's high sulphur level. According to Dr. Lee, the amount of stench produced when that food passes through your digestive system is merely increased.


Similar effects are produced by Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage, to mention a few of the cruciferous relatives of broccoli.


dairy goods

According to Dr. Lee, stomach irritation and even really strong farts might result from a lactose intolerance or sensitivity. Think of it as the origin of the expression "cutting the cheese" to describe unpleasant gas.


Alcohols from sugar and artificial sweeteners


Many low-calorie sweeteners found in diet goods can't be fully absorbed by the body, so they remain in your gut. Rancid gas may be produced as a result.


Spicy hot foods


Is it true that you fart in a public place and it sounds more aweful? It's likely a result of some hot food you consumed earlier. In essence, the same hot compounds that burn your tongue also burn your bottom when they blast out.


medical causes of foul farts


Although food may be the primary factor in foul gas, it is not the only one. Additional sources include


gut flora


It's probable that you alone are to blame for your foul farts. Everybody's gut chemistry is unique, according to Dr. Lee. It could be that the bacteria in yours simply results in gas that smells a little stronger naturally.




According to Dr. Lee, taking drugs, especially antibiotics, might temporarily upset your digestive system and even cause a C. diff infection. Farts with a bad odour may develop from the resultant imbalance.


why do my farts smell so bad?


If the issue is related to what you ate or a prescription, Dr. Lee says it usually resolves itself. Once the harmful substance has passed through your system, the symptoms ought to go away.


Regular exercise and over-the-counter digestive medications may help reduce farts. The wind should be taken out of those sails by altering your diet and eliminating offending items.

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