The band SURGERY was formed in 2002. Founding members are Rado Body-guitarist ,Martin Husár-bass guitar and Peter Husák-drummer. After a few rehearsals,a...
The band SURGERY was formed in 2002. Founding members are Rado Body-guitarist ,Martin Husár-bass guitar and Peter Husák-drummer. After a few rehearsals,a guitarist named Zdenko Skokan had joined the band. Lead singer of the band has Rado Madzin who has been replaced by Rasťo Šelleng.In this lineup the group continued to perform.One of the most known concerts of the band is a concert that has held in Žilina in 2005 called Žilina Deathfest 2,where the band had played alongside bands o such as:Vital Remains,Wasteform,Insidious Decrepanics there is also a compilation cd,on which the band Surgery unfortunately isn't,due to the fact the band did not have their own tape at that time,there has been some personal changes,when a drummer-P.Husár and a bassist-M.Husár left the band and together formed a brand new band called Human Humus,their post had been replaced by a bassist-Tomáš Hrabovský and a drummer-Michal (Schilar) Ráliš.In this line-up the band had started performing once again and in 2010 released their brand new ep Pulled by the Rope.In 2012 the band released a debut album:Descend ,when a post of the bassist had been taken by a new member-Dušan Brezina,the band has been performing with bands such as:Z.Skokan:guitarist,M.Ráliš-drummer and bassist-D.Brezina.The band had been holding together the lead singer-R.Šelleng and a guitarist-R.Body until 2014 when new member joined the group-Miro Tatranský-guitarist,Peter Mikolaj-drummer.The group came up with a new singles that they-have been performing with.The post of a bassist has not yep been taken 2017:the band has already a few concerts behind them with a new bassist Robo Hanečák.They are currently working on a album:Absorbing Roots which is coming out -17.2.2018 at Support Underground label.