The influence of modern music on the personality of students
It is difficult to overestimate the impact of music on a person, because music is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. At the same time, it can give pleasure and evoke a strong emotional experience, open the unknown world of fantasies, stimulate reflection. The secret of this magical influence lies in these words: "Music is a language that does not need translation, because it appeals to the soul."
Only when a child is born does he begin to get used to hearing music. Accordingly, a favorite style of music is produced. Some people like music that relaxes, and some people like stressful music. It has long been noticed that the role of music in our lives is quite large, music can affect our mood, calm us down, or vice versa make us worry.
Let's find out why different people like different music and how it affects their lives. According to people who constantly work with students, writers of the service, music builds a special subculture, it changes people's views on many things, shapes the style of clothing, style of communication, lifestyle. And therefore for each person its influence will be different. It has been proven that certain melodies can even improve memory, they help to build an associative series of certain events and moments in life. It turns out that each person is continuously, at the genetic level, connected with music, more precisely with its sounds, which can come from birds, animals and nature itself. The person himself, without noticing himself, relaxes and recovers at the expense of these sounds, because the voices of animals and birds have long been recorded in our subconscious.
Research on the influence of music
After conducting research with students, psychologists said that a melody with a rhythm of 60 beats per minute, acts on a person as meditation, it is quite able to distract anyone from any problem, slowing down brain activity. If you choose such music for perception, memory, efficiency, calmness and self-confidence are actively improved.
And, according to American researcher F. Bloom, this can be explained by the fact that the brain simply stops producing excess energy, which goes to the same negative emotions that interfere with thinking correctly, confuse and make you nervous again.
Music affects not only the moral and emotional state of the student, but also the work of his internal organs, such as the heart and the activity of blood pressure. For those who want to increase their blood pressure, you should listen to energetic music, and to stabilize your heart rate, it is recommended to listen to a calm melody.
An interesting fact is that a calm melody can have a positive effect on the blood, because if the melody is able to cause pleasure, then, accordingly, there is an increase in lymphocytes in the blood, and the body becomes much easier to fight any disease.
Scientists believe that music has a huge impact on the intellectual abilities and capabilities of the student, as a piece of music promotes emotional human activity and it is during this period of activity, intellectual abilities increase.
Every child, human and even animal, according to scientists, is in the world of sounds like a capsule, because various noises, formed into a melody, can affect the body and promote its healing and performance, or vice versa, have a negative impact on the psyche and flow physiological processes. From time immemorial, people have tried to figure out the effects of music on the body. Everything around was changing and only music remained an integral part of the environment and people had to live with it in harmony and unity, because this art is designed to provide everything necessary for life and health.
"As gymnastics aligns the body, so music aligns the soul," Pasternak wrote. Healers of Greece and Ancient Egypt believed that any organ could be cured, the main thing is to know what music to "prescribe" to the patient, because long ago the people of the North knew about its healing properties. Not for nothing shamans, to enhance the effect of the healing potion, used in the treatment of melodies to the sounds of the tambourine.
Musicality is emotionality, and emotionality is essentially an indicator of a person's energy. The ability to listen to and perceive music connects us to a powerful source of energy. All our organs are in an autonomous oscillating mode. When music synchronizes the vibration in our body, coinciding with their rhythms, it balances the corresponding rhythmic contour and heals.