On this distasteful installment, Tom and Jenny are once again tackling a tale of an infamous Wisconsin wackjob...serial killer, rapist, necrophile, and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer. Though a seemingly normal child, Jeffrey developed into one of the most depraved American murderers, dismembering his victims and keeping their body parts in his fridge, attempting to make "living zombies" by injecting victims' brains with acid, and various other horrors that were finally ended by his arrest in 1991. You might want to put off lunch for a while; it's about to get grisly on episode 189.
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THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! The show is made possible by: Amanda, Anthony, Antonio, Arif, Ashley, Ben, BlackMarigold, Brandon, Christopher, Ciarra, Cody, Corinthian, creepy crepes, Damian, Dan, Dean, Denise, Dominic, Duncan, Dwayne, Ed, Elizabeth, Eric, Fade, Feeky, Gareth, Ginger, Greg, Gwendoline, Hanna, Hayden, Heather, HoboNasty, Holly, Ilse, Ima Shrew, Jaime, Jake A., Jake S., James, James H., Jamin, Jana & Scott, Janet, Jason, Jeanette, Jen, Jessica, Jesus, Joanie, John H., John M., Jonathan, Joseph, Justin, Justyn, Katrina, Keith, Kieron, Knothead Studios, Kool Kitty, Lana, Lars, Leander, Liam, Lindsey, Lonna, Macy, Marcus, Mary Ellen, Matt, Matthew, Maximillian, Melanie, Melissa, Michael, Mike, Mother of Beasts, Natalia, Nathalie, Oddcatt, Oli, Paul, Rebecca, Rebecca L., Richard J., Richard & Sheena, Rik, Rob, Robina, Samantha, Sandra, Scarlett, Sean, Sheena, Sophie, Tabitha, Tammie, Tara, Thomm, Tiffany, Tina, Travon, Trevor, Valtrina, Veronica, Via, Victor, Victoria, Victoria E., Virginia, Weaponsandstuff93, Will S., and Xánada.
13 O'Clock is hosted by Jenny Ashford & Tom Ross. Channel art and audio & video editing by Jenny Ashford. Music & sound effects courtesy of freesound.org users jamespotterboy, corsica-s, enjoypa, capturedlv, luffy, kiddpark, and justkiddink. Video clips courtesy of Videezy & Videvo.