Basic Info
6 years ago
This is the second song of our upcoming album "Unforeseen Consequences". You will be able to hear the full release on the 10th of Novemeber through the "New Wave of Thrash Metal" channel. The album is recorded in the Bulgarian studio PlayGround in Varna. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Marin Marinov, Atanas Machev, Todor Voynski and Terravore.
Phantom energy flow
Quintessence ubiquitous, Stellar power source
Stored in the planet's core
Disastrous and malicious, Solar matter growth
Transgalactic attack
Inauspicious superweapon, Sinister and black
Installed in the open crack
Thermal oscillator, Accumulates a vast discharge
Massive streams of flames - Starkiller
Massive streams of flames - Starkiller base
Devastating, Liquidating, Desolating, Terminating Blast!
Bright torrid sight
Dramatic consequences, Impending to collide
Exceeding the speed of light
Passing through the galaxy, Tearing the space-time
Ray of a final dawn
Accession in the skyline, Enormous fireball
Ignited by external force
Expansive pocket nova, Detonates the planet's core
Stellarvore monstrocity, Devouring stars intensely
Truculent energy beams, Colossal blast from afar
Transcending sub-hyperspace, Instantaneous aimed impact
Shattered off planet debris, Star systems fall
Discharge! Unleash!
Systematic death, Planetary demise
Execution through, Galactic genocide
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