On yet another deep dive into the worst humanity has to offer, this installment of 13 O'Clock deals with serial killer Robert "Willy" Pickton, the Vancouver-based, millionaire pig farmer whose sole claim to fame is the fact that he would troll Canada's poorest district, pick up sex workers and drug addicts, then take them back to the farm, rape and kill them, then cut up their bodies in his slaughterhouse and either feed the meat to the pigs or mix it in with the pork he was selling to the public. Buckle in and maybe lay off the bacon for a while...you're gonna need a bleach bath after listening to episode 140.
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THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! The show is made possible by: daninreddy, Kool Kitty, Oli, Justin, John, Sean, Jason, Scarlett, Nathalie, Jake, Jen, Victoria, Lana, Duncan, Thomm, Matthew, Liam, John, Joseph, Dan, Rob, Melanie, Eric, Brandon, Mike, Richard, Katrina, Valtrina, Tara, Sandra, Paul, Jonathan, Weaponsandstuff93, Ginger, Rik, Maximillian, Travon, Antonio, Amanda, Dwayne, Cody, Michael, Ben, Anthony, Via, Denise, Ima Shrew, James, Matt, Mary Ellen, Jamin, Joanie, Arif, Natalia, Samantha, Ashley, Kieron, Sophie, Tara, Jana & Scott, Ed, creepy crepes, Christopher, Elizabeth, Tina, Lars, Ed, Feeky, Veronica, Corinthian, Daniel, Dean, Greg, Lindsey, Richard & Sheena, and KnotHead Studios.
13 O'Clock is hosted by Jenny Ashford & Tom Ross. Channel art and audio & video editing by Jenny Ashford. Music & sound effects courtesy of freesound.org users jamespotterboy, corsica-s, enjoypa, capturedlv, luffy, kiddpark, and justkiddink. Video clips courtesy of Videezy & Videvo.