Returning to the paranormal on this installment of 13 O'Clock, Tom and Jenny are drunkenly discussing a haunted location requested by one of our listeners...Michigan's Mackinac Island. This small patch of land located in Lake Huron is like stepping backward in time, as no motorized vehicles are allowed on the island, and all construction must adhere to traditional Victorian architecture. The island also boasts several haunted locations and legends, including Fort Mackinac, the Drowning Pool, the Grand Hotel, and the Mission Point Resort. And since we're not content to contain the ghost stories to just one island, we'll also be delving into some other creepy tales emerging from the Great Lakes, including legends about ghost ships and the cryptid known as South Bay Bessie. Put on your wetsuit and dive into the frigid waters of episode 131.
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THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! The show is made possible by: Kool Kitty, Oli, Justin, John, Sean, Jason, Scarlett, Nathalie, Jake, Jen, Victoria, Lana, Duncan, Thomm, Matthew, Liam, John, Joseph, Dan, Rob, Melanie, Eric, Brandon, Mike, Richard, Valtrina, Tara, Sandra, Paul, Jonathan, Weaponsandstuff93, Maximillian, Michael, Ben, Anthony, Via, Denise, Ima Shrew, James, Matt, Mary Ellen, Jamin, Joanie, Arif, Natalia, Samantha, Ashley, Kieron, Sophie, Tara, Jana & Scott, Ed, creepy crepes, Christopher, Elizabeth, Tina, Lars, Ed, Feeky, Veronica, Corinthian, Daniel, Dean, Greg, Lindsey, Richard & Sheena, and KnotHead Studios.
13 O'Clock is hosted by Jenny Ashford & Tom Ross. Channel art and audio & video editing by Jenny Ashford. Music & sound effects courtesy of users jamespotterboy, corsica-s, enjoypa, capturedlv, luffy, kiddpark, and justkiddink. Video clips courtesy of Videezy & Videvo.