On this very long livestream, Tom and Jenny discuss the moral implications behind the "career" of Liberian warlord Joshua Blahyi, better known as General Butt Naked, a man allegedly responsible for the murders of up to 20,000 people during the Liberian civil war of the 1990s. The General supposedly had a change of heart and now preaches as a born-again Christian, but what are the limits of forgiveness when you're talking about war atrocities? Join in on the fascinating moral discussion in episode 206.
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13 O'Clock is hosted by Jenny Ashford & Tom Ross. Channel art and audio & video editing by Jenny Ashford. Music & sound effects courtesy of freesound.org users jamespotterboy, corsica-s, enjoypa, capturedlv, luffy, kiddpark, and justkiddink. Video clips courtesy of Videezy & Videvo.