The Forza Horizon series, which celebrates the release of its fifth installment this week with Forza Horizon 5, started as a wacky spinoff of the "serious" Forza Motorsport racing games over ten years ago. Horizon's expansive terrain included not only racing circuits, but also bustling city streets, vast countryside, and muddy riverbank adventures.

The resultant game was quite well received upon its release, since it was reminiscent of the classic but dormant Burnout Paradise idea while also incorporating Forza's reliable car-controlling paradigm. Although the series' technological prowess has grown with each new Horizon drift hunters installment, the basic gameplay has remained mostly same.

A lot of the more creative concepts in Horizon have come from the bizarre downloadable content packs that reinterpret the series' premise, like the Hot Wheels set in FH3 and the Lego set in FH4. Despite this, I was hopeful that Forza Horizon 5 would be the game where fans finally got fuel injection without having to buy an add-on. Much as we stated about Forza Horizon 4 in 2018, Forza Horizon 5 is the greatest open-world driving game you can buy. That's a guarantee of quality, enjoyment, and aesthetic appeal.

It also avoids several annoying contemporary fads, such as microtransactions, so you may enjoy playing on your own terms. Nevertheless, FH5 just adds a number to the title without making many other changes, so it's not exactly a "must purchase" if you've previously played FH4. On a current-gen Xbox or a top-tier gaming Computer, though, FH5 really shines as a drool-inducing experience.

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