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3 years ago
Mother Metal - The Dream Part II - The Dragons Chase
In that dream, I remember it was night time, very dark. I was in a city unfamiliar to me. It reminded me of London. I remember walking feeling lost. In the distance ahead of me in the sky, I saw movement. It was far away so I didn't know what it was. It's movements were slow but yet flowing. Back and forth in like an infinity type circle.
As it got closer to me I stopped short. Because then I noticed it had glowing red eyes, it was huge. It's wings were full and powerful. And it flipped its tail as it was flying. It seemed to notice me and began laughing. It was a laugh I shall never forget. Like it was mocking me. With an evil grin. It's head was huge but yet slender down towards its mouth, like your typical dragon. It did not spit fire. I got scared and turned to run. It then started to chase after me. I would turn to look at it briefly. It was very powerful and fast. And it seemed like I wouldn't get away from it. So I ran as hard as I could. I could hear it laughing.
As I was running I looked up towards the sky and saw in the darkness a cross. I then ran towards it. It seemed that it took forever to get there. But I was running for my life. I made it to the building. It was a church. I went to open the door but it wouldn't open. So I turned towards the dragon. Then I noticed how beautiful it was. And I told it so. Then I woke up from the dream. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. So my playing was not to my perfection during mass the next morning.
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