Basic Info
8 years ago
This morning, I woke up feeling pretty amazing in myself but as soon as I sat up and felt the cosmic woo-woo, it hit me like a ton of bricks. There was a welling up of anger and sadness that felt like it was coming from deep within the collective “guts” – and then I saw the news about Chris Cornell’s passing.
As a person who has benefited in vast ways by the way others’ art has rescued me in desperate moments of varying kinds, I was impacted heavily by this…not to mention that suicide has played a massive role in my own self and spiritual development, as well as my mediumship abilities.
The message from my mentor was helpful for me in many ways and it got me on this rant here about the commoditization of beings.
I might have gone off on it a little bit because it hit me in a number of ways, personally.
If you agree that people are no commodities to be pawned, this might resonate…
Intuitive Jakob
PS – You can see today’s Daily Shortcut from my mentor here: (and get access to some cool freebies, too). By subscribing for free, you’ll get access to our community.
PPS – see this episode on my A R T O F L O V E blog here
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