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8 years ago
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Hey guys! This week on Weekend Wankshop, we're going to be paying tribute to one of the greatest artist rock has ever seen, Chris Cornell. Many of you know him from his work with Soundgarden, but he also enjoyed success with numerous other bands like Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, and his solo career. He's absolutely one of Uncle Ben's favorite singers of all times, but i've always thought he was a SUPER underrated guitarist and riff writer! So today we are gonna learn some of my favorite riffs from my top 5 favorite songs on Superunknown, my favorite record of theirs! We're going to talk about how to play (and how to get your guitar into the crazy tunings used for) Spoonman, Black Hole Sun, the title track, Limo Wreck, and 4th of July.
If you or anyone you know is wrestling with suicidal thoughts or depression, please use the vast resources the internet has to offer and GET HELP! There's so many places where anyone can get free anonymous help out there, i've included a few numbers and sites at the end of this video. If someone as godlike as Chris can wrestle with these kinda of issues, i think that completely validates it for mere mortals like us to have the same problems, too. GET HELP!
Cheers everyone, thank you to Chris for all the amazing music.
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