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#BennyMardones #IntoTheNight #80s
We lost a great artist recently. Benny Mardones. We at Professor of Rock along with so many of you mourn the loss of this tender soul, who’s hit “Into the Night” charted 3 different times on the charts, including twice in the 80s. We covered this song in the inaugural episode of Number One in our Hearts, because it absolutely should’ve been a number one hit. I still maintain that Benny’s vocal performance for those few moments could go toe to toe with any voice on any song in music history. We were so fortunate to spend a few hours talking to Benny about his songs, his career and most of all, getting to know him as a human being.. It’s one of my favorite interviews. Since then we’ve had some wonderful correspondences over the years. Anyone who knew Benny can attest to the fact that Benny was humble, sweet, extremely caring, and deeply proud of the music he created. He really loved music and his fans. Most of all, Benny was a fighter. We’ve lost some great ones in music lately, and that’s why sharing this history is so important. That’s why sharing these songs and artists with our kids and their kids is paramount. We're just never going to see artists and songs like these again. I hope I’m wrong. I really do. Here is the story of Benny’s tremendous smash hit Into The Night from Benny himself. We love you Benny. Thank you for the music
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