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6 years ago
One of our biggest enemies is luxury, but we don’t recognize because we think of luxury as something only had by the rich. If anything, us “regular people” are struggling.
That’s not true at all. Compared to those living in the Third World, we’re living in abundance. Even compared to the wealthy who lived a few hundred years ago, our lives are far more comfortable.
Our technologies, industry, transportation, food, order, security, and more make like a cake walk compared to those who lived before us. But what’s my point? It doesn’t take much to just get by in life.
Therefore, because of comfort and ease, we don’t get serious about maximizing our lives. We watch too much TV. We spend too much time online. We waste our money. We have crappy diets. We don’t set goals for ourselves.
But the clock is ticking on the only life you’ve got, and until you get serious about the details of your life, things will remain as they are and probably get worse.
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